Please support Spring Valley Cheer and help us reach our goal. Thank you in advance.

We’ve raised
Team Goal


Welcome to Spring Valley Cheer Sponsorship page!!!


Spring Valley High School Cheerleading Program has been fortunate to recruit some of the most amazing talent year after year and this year is no different. We are looking forward to an incredible upcoming season and we would appreciate your support for our Cheerleading Team fundraiser.  


Please share this webpage with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, IGor through Email. Whatever your choice, we are grateful for your contribution and every donation made; no matter how big or small, is tax deductible. 



Thanks in advance for your support!




How are funds used?

We are raising money to help our team secure funds for the many expenses incurred by a competition cheer team such as choreography fees, competition and registration fees and more



Your participation in our sponsorship program can make such an indelible impact on our cheer athletes, our school as well as our cheer program!