Please support Menendez Cheer 22 and help us reach our goal. Thank you in advance.

We’ve raised
Team Goal


MENENDEZ FALCON CHEER family, friends, & fans - Thank You for taking time to view our fundraising page. Last year we raised $13,279, with your support & sharing of this page we will be able to beat that total!

We are raising money to continue to run a First-Class Program, money raised will be used for:

  • UCA Camp 
  • Competing for UCA Nationals
  • Mats

Our staff is committed to providing a first-class high school environment for our student athletes as they strive to be the best student-athlete they can be! Our growing numbers comes with added financial strain, we need your help! Your contribution to this fundraiser will make a big difference in our future success!!

There are multiple ways to support us in this fundraiser: Donate, Share this page with friends via Email, Social Media & Text message with a click of the button. We greatly appreciate your support!

All donations are Tax-Deductible & you will receive a receipt in your email.

Thanks in advance for your support. 


Coach Turner



How are funds used?

Your generous support of our Cheer squad's fundraiser will help us to provide the best possible experience for our cheerleaders. Each year, we budget for travel, equipment, uniforms, and much more. By meeting our financial goal, we will continue to develop as players and as a Cheer squad.