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Please support Best High School and help us reach our goal. Thank you in advance.

We’ve raised


Please consider supporting our Cookie Dough Fundraiser. Our organization is excited to offer your favorite flavor of cookies which are sure to be enjoyed by all. We hope that we can count on you to reach our financial goal by making a purchase using this website. Our supplier offers a great selection of flavors and you'll love the way they taste. Also, please consider sending some as a gift to your friends and family.

Share this webpage with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or through email by selecting the buttons beneath our pictures.

Thanks in advance for your support.

How are funds used?

Your generous support of our team's fundraiser will help us to provide the best possible experience for our players. Each season, we budget for team travel, practice equipment, uniforms, and much more. By meeting our financial goal, we will continue to develop as players and as a team.

  • Pre-portioned Cookie Dough - $17

    Include a description of how many pre-portioned cookies are included as well as the total weight of the package. Many of your customers will also want to know the nutritional information. You should offer 6 to 8 flavors.

  • Cookie Dough Tubs – scoop and bake - $16

    Include a description of the total weight of the tub and approximately how many cookies it will produce. Many of your customers will also want to know the nutritional information. You should offer 6 to 8 flavors.