Please support Rockwall Yellow Jackets Football and help us reach our goal. Thank you in advance.

We’ve raised
Team Goal


We understand that you have many options when it comes to giving - if you are in a postion to do so, we would love your support! Your contribution towards this fundraiser will be instrumental and making this upcoming Rockwall Yellowjacket football season the best it can be for our young men. Please share this webpage with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or through email by selecting the buttons beneath our images. Thank you in advance for your support.

How are funds used?

Your generous support of the Rockwall Yellowjacket's football fundraiser will help us to provide the best possible experience for our Rockwall Yellowjacket players. Each season, we budget for the basic neccessities for operating a 6A football program. The funds from this fundraiser will be used towards road uniforms, helmet wraps, post game meals, motivational wall graphics for locker rooms and other uses that will directly benefit our Rockwall Yellowjacket players.  By meeting our financial goal, we will continue to develop as players and as a team.