Please support Villa Angela- St. Joseph and help us reach our goal. Thank you in advance.

We’ve raised
Team Goal


Please consider supporting our Dean’s Greenhouse spring flower Fundraiser. Our organization is excited to be partnered with Dean’s Greenhouse and hope we can count on you to reach our financial goal by making a purchase from this site. Dean’s Greenhouse offers high quality flowers and vegetable that are all locally grown. Please also consider sending one as a gift to your friends and family in the area.

Pick -Up Date:  Saturday, May 13, 2017 ~ at VASJ High School from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM.  behind the school ~ near TECH Building.

How are funds used?


Your generous support of our organization will help us to provide the best possible experience for our students.  As always, funds earned from our Spring Plant Sale support our school, specifically our annual Sally Furlich Scholarship!