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Please support Best High School and help us reach our goal. Thank you in advance.

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Please consider supporting our Flower and Vegetable Fundraiser. Our organization is excited to offer high quality flowers and vegetables which are sure to brighten up your home as well as be enjoyed by the whole family. We hope that we can count on you to reach our financial goal by purchasing your seasonal flowers and vegetable using this website. Our supplier offers a nice selection of high quality products; please scroll down and take a look. Also, please consider sending one as a gift to your friends and family.

Share this webpage with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or through email by selecting the buttons beneath our pictures.

Thanks in advance for your support.

How are funds used?

Your generous support of our team's fundraiser will help us to provide the best possible experience for our players. Each season, we budget for team travel, practice equipment, uniforms, and much more. By meeting our financial goal, we will continue to develop as players and as a team.

  • Hanging Baskets - $20

    Hanging baskets are always a top seller. From Ferns, to colorful flower accented hanging baskets. Your supporters will love to buy these. Enter a description of the type of flowers used in the basket, pricing and an image and you are ready to go.

  • Bedding Flats - $15

    These are your high volume products your supporters will use to make their foundation and accent beds beautiful. For each, enter a description, pricing and an image.

  • Potted Plants - $6

    These are great to offer supporters that want a more mature plant as an accent within a bed. For each, enter a description, pricing and an image.

  • Herbs and Vegetables - $2

    Herbs and vegetables are popular “add-on” products for your supporters. Everyone like to have fresh veggies and herbs throughout the summer. For each, enter a description, pricing and an image.