

Rally your baseball team to raise money using this template. We've created what you need to raise the money you are looking for.

  • Customizable Fundraising Webpage
  • Professionally created images, emails and more
  • Integration With Social Platforms
  • Online Payment Processing
  • Sales Reports and Tracking
Level Amount Your Profit
Donation more $1,000.00 $800.30
Donation more $500.00 $400.15
Donation more $250.00 $200.08
Donation more $100.00 $80.03
Donation more $50.00 $40.02

Calculate how to reach your goal!

To reach your goal:

Each member must obtain:
$- in Donations

How it works

  1. Create Free Account

    Select a fundraising template and provide some basic information to get started.

  2. Customize your fundraising web page

    Customize your webpage with photos, video, a message to supporters and more.

  3. Promote your fundraiser

    Share your fundraiser using email, text, and integrated social platforms.

  4. Enjoy

    Congrats! You’ve run a great campaign. Enjoy the results of your efforts.