Bed Sheets

Bed Sheets

Every home in your community needs bed sheets and pillows. Customize this template and get started.

  • Customizable Fundraising Webpage
  • Professionally created images, emails and more
  • Integration With Social Platforms
  • Online Payment Processing
  • Sales Reports and Tracking

What’s offered:

Bed sheet sets in multiple colors and all standard bed sizes. Pillows are a nice addition if your supplier can offer them as well.

Decide if you want to use one of the many large bed sheet companies out there or if you want to negotiate a deal with a local bed sheet retailer. The advantage to the larger bed sheet company is that often times they will offer direct shipment to your customers. This allows you to increase your sales and promotional area to the whole US. The local bed sheet retailer will give your supporter a sense of familiarity when placing their order. You should also be able to make a higher profit margin with the local retailer because your volunteers will handle the order distribution to the customer. Our management platform will allow you to download the orders each week and send them to your supplier for fulfillment to the customer. Or, you can download the orders at the end of your campaign and send the supplier one final order. You should anticipate making 25% to 30% margins on direct shipment orders and 40% to 50% on orders delivered in bulk to you for local distribution using volunteers.


Select this fundraising template, collect product images or colors and a descriptions from your supplier and then customize your message as to why you are raising money. Due to the volume of colors and sizes you will probably want to send the information to your TeamWorks Fundraising Coach and they will load all of the products into your fundraising webpage for you. If you would like to track your progress by sub-groups like grade level or JV and Varsity for example, you can easily do this during your set-up. Your members / players will then select their particular group when registering and you’re ready to start.

Customize your Fundraising Webpage

This template will require that you or your TeamWorks Fundraising Coach update the product images, descriptions and pricing. We also encourage you to customize your fundraising webpage with photos, a message to supporters and more. This site allows your supporters to conveniently purchase a Bed Sheet set from your fundraising webpage or make a donation online and avoid managing cash and checks.

Promoting your Fundraiser

TeamWorks provides all of the tools needed to run a highly effective fundraiser. Your members / players can share your custom webpage using our built-in integrations to Facebook, email, and more. All monies raised from each purchase on your fundraising webpage will be attributed to the appropriate person and group.

Offer Prizes or Awards

Offering prizes or awards is easy with TeamWorks because we track all sales and profit to the participating member / player.

Selecting a Supplier

You may already have a supplier that you’ve worked with in previous years. If not, contact a number of qualified suppliers and make a list of their products and pricing structure. Remember, the retail price that your supporters will be paying is as important as the amount of profit you will make from each purchase. Be sure to offer all standard bed sizes as well as the most popular colors in each size. Give us a call if you need help with any of this.


Fundraising with Bed Sheets is a great way to offer your supporters a practical high quality product they are already planning to purchase, but they can also make a purchase as gifts for friends and family. The TeamWorks solution allows you to monitor progress as an organization and for individual participants. Offer incentives for fundraising performance and use TeamWorks to help you track their performance against their goals. We will be sending you periodic emails to offer advice and our Fundraising Coaches are always ready to help you with any questions that you have.

The prices displayed below are prices considered to be industry standard. Please check with your supplier to confirm cost and retail price in your area. All pricing and descriptions are editable.
Item Retail Your Profit
Bed Sheets more $48.99 $17.11
Pillows more $29.00 $8.53

Calculate how to reach your goal!

To reach your goal:

Your group must sell:
- items
Each member must sell:
- items
Bed sheets make for a great fundraiser. Everyone in our community buys at least one set of bed sheets each year. Because we offer high quality sheets, our sales grow each year.
Principal Anders, West Middle School

How it works

  1. Create Free Account

    Select a fundraising template and provide some basic information to get started.

  2. Customize your fundraising web page

    Customize your webpage with photos, video, a message to supporters and more.

  3. Promote your fundraiser

    Share your fundraiser using email, text, and integrated social platforms.

  4. Enjoy

    Congrats! You’ve run a great campaign. Enjoy the results of your efforts.